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View Full Version : How Do I store PNG / SVG / JPEG in ReplitDB?

03-04-2024, 08:00 AM
How do I store PNG / SVG / JPEG files in ReplitDB?

Oh, just send Repl I will look at it right now.

03-04-2024, 12:32 PM
Storing image files like PNG, SVG, and JPEG in ReplitDB is quite manageable. When dealing with a variety of image formats, it's essential to ensure efficient storage and retrieval.
One approach is to compress image (https://jpeg-optimizer.com/) before storing it. There are tools that offer online compression services, reducing file size while maintaining quality. Additionally, SVG files can be optimized by removing unnecessary elements or simplifying paths, enhancing performance and reducing storage requirements. Once optimized, these images can be uploaded to ReplitDB, ensuring smooth data management and retrieval.