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View Full Version : I'm like, arguably the worst writer on the planet

07-22-2012, 06:00 PM
Good heavens. I honestly do not even remember writing all that, let alone posting it. Which is why I haven't been back until it was linked to Skatz today.

I'm like, arguably the worst writer on the planet. But then I've had a pretty rough year. All that must have been written in ludicrous sleep deprivation just before I was leaving Thailand in a last ditch attempt at a country that spoke English that wasn't first world. I feel safer in the Third World. Singapore and Hong Kong...bah. Traumatic.

I went to Manila for four months and didn't get online hardly. Hah. Back in Thailand now, and no more problems suddenly. Even my phone has stopped going batshit.


This world generates idiots far too idiotic to be plausible, but then it was years before I 'solved' that little mystery - which I actually only solved indirectly last month (the gist of which you could read about here (http://www.skatzpoker.com/forums/showthread.php?p=36995)). It's brilliant, and if it's not, by all means geniuses, refute it.

Actually, if you can endure my nauseating writing 'style' - and if you can follow the logic in spite of my inherent inept - that's actually a brilliantly solved mystery which no one has refuted yet and I'm like 95% certain is accurate. I might be the worst writer ever, but there is undeniable brilliance I'm trying to communicate in the embarrassing stream of crap which no one in the world is talking about (with the possible exceptions of John le Carre and The Last Psychiatrist). But I cannot endure editing for the same reason it's borderline unreadable. But here is the gist of it, you don't need to wade through my noose on Skatz. It's the key to understanding realities of the exploitation of the entire world actually; if you want to draw back the curtain on the hidden horror of this world that no one imagines but which explains all the insanity of everyone (including me) and everything.

The Law is as creepy as suggestively up-selling Spam has ever been. Magistrates (who will never have honour until they explain the 'peculiarity' that is their asserting that murder, rape, molestation, assault, violent crimes and exploitation etc - can be SANE and/or IN YOUR BEST INTERESTS).

That's exactly what they're asserting. It's the entire - point - of Law. Humans who act in their own best interests do not murder, rape, molest, assault or exploit other humans. Doing those things is never in your best interests. Fact. Which makes every "crime of passion" provably insane. But filthy judges will reject "insanity pleas" over 99% of the time.

Because they believe they have an interest in asserting that someone who kills their daughters for dishonouring his family name by hanging out with boys...are completely sane (as a Canadian judge recently claimed was perfectly sane and therefore must be punished with prison and gang rape so that he doesn't get caught again). As if they could possibly be. You see?

That's the motive, for the conspiracy of ludicrously ridiculous falsified STD / STI % figures. Or don't you understand why little girls are so obsessed with making you not wear a condom? They're clean, at least, they believe they are. They're horrified at your suggestion (implied) that they would be diseased sluts, when you try and put on a condom.

Everyone is so obsessed with wearing condoms to protect against STDs, that everyone forgets the real reason why you should be wearing condoms.

And Society - in all it's brilliant creepy - create this terror purely because religion and the state believe it's in their best interests to create terrible mothers who give birth to children who grow up confused and in pain. It's not your mother's 'fault' she's a moron. Just like it's not your fault you're a moron. You probably weren't even planned.

But then you have to understand, your mother knew she wasn't diseased.


Unplanned preganancies. By their hundreds of millions. That's your motive for the conspiracy that my sheer confused stupidity - and Gamble's, I guess - made us realise something was bullshit about all this generated fear.

They generate the fear. To create the shame. To make girls live in denial about something that isn't remotely shameful, until the denial. In terror of STDs and STIs, embarrassed at being thought to be filthy and diseased, everyone forgets why you should wear condoms in the first place.

Having children, when you're too stupid to remember you're still a child, isn't in your best interests. That's why confused - if horrifyingly creepy - states and religions (always joined at the hip, because Power doesn't share with power, morons) literally create the fear that creates the shame that forces the confusion of otherwise decent children to forget that children having sex with children is fine - really. So long as they're not terrified into having children.

Means. Motive. Opportunity.

Society is GUILTY. Arrest the creeps and sentence them to education, without parole, for a term not less than the amount of time it takes someone to understand that they're junkies who are addicted to power. And in denial, they've forgotten the evidence of their confusion.

They're not happy. If they were, they wouldn't be frantically creating misery. Fact.

I'm 100% certain that the State, the Law and Society are focused on domestic exploitation, first and foremost and that requires reducing humans into emotionally manipulatable and insane robotic slaves.

As far as the State, Laws and Society are concerned; it's not that they're in bed together so much as all one and the same. They are illusional constructs of Religion (the Peace of Westphalia signed at Munster in 1648 where the Holy Roman Emperor made 'sovereigns' out of the provably worst sociopathic, blood-thirsty, butchering manipulators on the planet; dividing up land and vassals he didn't have a right to give away - Power has, and always will be, the most evil creation of Religion - sane people don't have vassals willing to die and kill for them). Religion of course created the first ever legislation in The Ten Commandments which didn't actually make much illegal but which served to 'legalise' Rape. The Law is a trick to get you shift the goalposts of your perception; in order to make you not think about your own best interests but rather how to get around the rules. They change the way you think by creepily Prohibiting ways to feel. Could it be more transparent reverse psychology? Clearly God cared more about ordering you not to insanely envy your neighbour's property or not to say OMG than he cared about rape (read Numbers 31:17-18 for how God and Christians feel about rape).

And this forum, prior to Roy selling or not selling the domain - for all I know, there's an email in my 9600 unanswered Inbox informing me, but I don't care to read my Inbox because it's full of people who want me to lie to them.

Is there any way of accessing the old database of posts? There's only just a few I want. One was about the TSA. I made that post and I think the week after, DELL started what ended up being 16 months where I spent 6 figures on experts and software and hardware and went backwards. And now, no problems at all. I've been online for like two months straight without a single crash. This is after 16 months of not being able to boot into an OS or keep an OS operational for more than a few hours before a BSOD and insanity trying to simply get a computer system operational.

If the database can't be accessed, it's no big deal. I just remembered that TSA post (because the state is all about domestic terror campaigns).

This below is so true it's worth repeating over and over.

Money cannot buy you happiness.

They will tell you this. It is (logical) fact. But then they will tell you this only once they've made you want things, that money can buy. You don't actually want these things, you just think you do. So until you get them, no one will be able to tell you anything. At which point, they tell you (because they know people like me are going to tell you as much anyway) this creepy half-truth; which everyone knows and no one believes until they're too embarrassed to admit they've wasted their life: Money cannot buy you happiness.

What they don't tell you, is the whole Truth. And the god damn Truth of their scam is:

Money cannot buy Happiness.
But Money will buy Misery.

Fact. This is a world of screaming needy. Because those with the money hoard it in order to create a Demand for what they control the Supply of. It's the creation of illusionary value out of a Market which is made to suffer expressly for that reason.

nb. 5 more posts coming. ROFL.

07-22-2012, 06:38 PM
"Love is whatever is left to betray."
- John le Carre

Love is so horrifying. I basically can prove that everyone (including me prior to Oct 2010) is a sociopath or a narcissist (pre-sociopath).


The problem is not narcissism.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder is merely the corruption of one's sense of Self. Narcissism evolved to protect humans from sociopaths who manipulate the emotions of others into feeling they should do what the sociopath wants them to do. This will never be in the best interests of anybody; not even the sociopath. Sociopaths are insane. The reason they are dangerous is because they feel selective empathy when they imagine it suits them to feel that way.

They can convince you that they love you because their love is not faked. They can convince someone else half an hour later. They're not faking. They can sell almost anything. All they have to do is convince themselves. They will be convincing because they truly believe what they're saying when they're saying it. They are genuinely terrifying because they believe anything they feel is valid by virtue of their feeling it & anything they do is justified by virtue of their doing it. So everything they say is a lie which becomes ‘truth’ by virtue of their saying it. They're insane.

They're dangerous but they don't know how to be happy. They create misery & suffering which blows back onto them because they're not gods. They just feel that way because they are drunk with power as 'humans' who don't care about humanity. Without empathy you cannot be humane.

Narcissists have the same problem with happiness, but they are not dangerous except when they’re so callous they fail to appreciate or consider the danger of their actions. They have no empathy to be humane but their inhumanity will be incidental. They bring their suffering onto themselves with their inconsideration. Sociopaths consider. That's why they're dangerous.

Their consideration of you will be genuine but not real. They feel it to exploit. It won't last, but it will only end when they no longer value you; perhaps when you are dead. Sociopaths can be charming, personable, magnetic, popular and impressive and a man’s man who drives women to obsession by also revealing their sensitive, chivalrous, understanding & sympathetic side. None of this is real but when the sociopath believes it, you will believe it. Narcissists will never be convincing until they have the capacity to feel what you feel in a way that doesn't leave them exposed to emotional manipulation.

Sociopaths create narcissists out of children. Narcissists suffer as they scream ME ME ME & that's not a convincing argument. Train or force narcissists to consider how you feel & you'll be making a very big mistake. If you're succeed, you'll have created a sociopath who is simply a narcissist who has learned how to act in public.

And that, boys and girls, is how Polite Societies are made.


If you want the logical proof that you're a sociopath or a narcissist, there are questions at the bottom which I don't believe can be refuted with logic.

You're either having fun or you're not.

If you're not, this is why.

If you believe you are, you should know that sociopaths and narcissists are easily confused by their handicap. They cannot distinguish between fun and someone pretending to have fun for the same reason they cannot distinguish between respect and fear. They cannot feel empathy. Their emotional perception is skewed. They're emotionally degraded. Something or someone got in the way of their emotional development. They're humans, interrupted. Emotional Toddlers for life, but then they'll never live until they grow up.

Narcissists & sociopaths do not live. They merely survive.

It's narcissists & sociopaths who don't know how to play the Game of Life. They play as best they can but they're abysmal. They haven't got a clue about how to have fun. Every human knows how to play the Game of Life. They listen to their DNA. Narcissists & sociopaths have to silence the noise of the Abrahamic religions' emotions which were used to corrupt and interrupt their emotional development.

Human DNA always screams the same message non-stop at humans, narcissists and sociopaths.

“Act in your own best interests. Be Selfish.”

So how did everyone get confused about intelligent Selfishness? They brilliantly tricked you into thinking insane Self-less consideration of no one but your own feelings (at the expense of others) was naughty. And optimal. It’s neither.

It’s merely insane.

The only difference is one of perception. Humans understand. Narcissists and sociopaths are handicapped by virtue of their incapacity to feel empathy, so their perception is corrupted.

Human children are forced to learn to block the demands of the other two. So human children become narcissists as a defence mechanism. Narcissists become sociopaths when they learn how to behave in public. Round and round the cycle of exploitation and misery goes.

But I have solutions. I no longer simply know how to act in public. I know how to be human and simultaneously protect mySelf from those who would exploit human empathy.

I was 29 and about to die when I saw something that gave me pause. Reality had changed before my eyes as my mood crashed from an artificially-inflated high (love) to an artificially-deflated low (betrayal). And I thought, "Has my entire life been a misperception?"

The pain of 'betrayal' evaporated. I realised none of it was real; just imagined. The thought had literally never occurred to me.

I stood up, laughing. I no longer had to worry about what the public thought. I wasn't afraid.

I was a confused, emotional Toddler until I was 29. Then I grew up.

Narcissists and sociopaths don’t realise they want to be humane. They don’t perceive the value. So they don't play fair. They don't trade. They don't want to do anything they don't want to do and that's an impossibly human trait they share with humans. Any shared variable is a clue.

All three are human, two are incapable of understanding their inability to be inhumane is not in their best interests. Narcissists & Sociopaths are humans, interrupted. They're still human, they've just been confused. Incapable of appreciating the value of others, they cannot accurately identify what is optimal behaviour. Prevented from contributing, they became confused and started leaching. They breed life to feed on, because they don't feel empathy except for what they own.

Only narcissists and sociopaths breed children of their own, for that reason. They want ownership. They can't care for a child that they do not own.

“By their fruits, ye shall know them.” Or more specifically, whether or not they feel compelled to make their own fruit when there is more than enough fruit to preclude their making their own even remotely or arguably humane.

Neither narcissists nor sociopaths breed narcissists or sociopaths. It's not hereditary, thank goodness. When they breed, a human child is born. Narcissists & sociopaths are what human children are turned into by their narcissistic or sociopathic parents. Humans don't really have children because this is a world of suffering which creates more Children of Humanity that require care than any human being could ever care for. Together, we could do it. Once we realise they are our own.

How do you tell if you are humane, a sociopath or a narcissist? It's easy.

Are you okay with others suffering to please you? If yes, you're going to be either a sociopath or a narcissist. Pain is inhumane. The pain of suffering will be felt by the human, which precludes any chance of their being pleased. Suffer to please humans and you will horrify them. They will suffer with you.

How do you tell if you are a sociopath or a narcissist? It's easy.

Are you making others suffer to please you?

Are you pleased when others suffer to please you? If yes to either, you're a sociopath. You have learned how to coerce, manipulate or force others to suffer in order to impress you. You have learned how to make others do what you want them to do; like, for example, make them behave in public with your prisons and punishment and laws (none of which teach humans how to act in their own best interests; they just used to control narcissists and sociopaths who commit crimes of passion because they cannot feel empathy).

How do you become human when you've been interrupted? The answer should be simple.

You are human, you're just not humane as a result of being confused. If you can see the optimality in your best interests being the same as the best interests of Humanity, you simply have to want to be sane.

You want it. You might not realise it because you’ve been confused but the value is as easy as understanding that if we stopped trying to play Prisoner’s dilemma optimally, we could all get out of Prison.

You could be worth ~7.3 billion times the value you’re worth now. You simply have to want it. That’s change worth believing in enough to take a ‘risk’ for, don’t you think?

Or are you too busy feeling your way through life?

07-22-2012, 06:52 PM
But of course, the above is Fantasy. This is the Reality that makes all the theory above really just too late, even if the logic is correct. It's all about to go to shit.

"The only thing you have to fear is fear itself."

Too late now. The DEA works for Europe now, apparently.

Awfully nice of them. I suppose after the stellar job they've done on the domestic front, it's only understandable that there would be Demand for the services they Supply.


U.S. Drug War Expands to Africa, a Newer Hub for Cartels
Published: July 21, 2012

WASHINGTON — In a significant expansion of the war on drugs, the United States has begun training an elite unit of counternarcotics police in Ghana and planning similar units in Nigeria and Kenya as part of an effort to combat the Latin American cartels that are increasingly using Africa to smuggle cocaine into Europe.

The growing American involvement in Africa follows an earlier escalation of antidrug efforts in Central America, according to documents, Congressional testimony and interviews with a range of officials at the State Department, the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Pentagon.

In both regions, American officials are responding to fears that crackdowns in more direct staging points for smuggling — like Mexico and Spain — have prompted traffickers to move into smaller and weakly governed states, further corrupting and destabilizing them.

The aggressive response by the United States is also a sign of how greater attention and resources have turned to efforts to fight drugs as the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have wound down.

“We see Africa as the new frontier in terms of counterterrorism and counternarcotics issues,” said Jeffrey P. Breeden, the chief of the D.E.A.’s Europe, Asia and Africa section. “It’s a place that we need to get ahead of — we’re already behind the curve in some ways, and we need to catch up.”

Mr. Brownfield said the vision for both regions was to improve the ability of nations to deal with drug trafficking, by building up their own institutions and getting them to cooperate with one another, sharing intelligence and running regional law enforcement training centers.

But because drug traffickers have already moved into Africa, he said, there is also a need for the immediate elite police units that have been trained and vetted.

“We have to be doing operational stuff right now because things are actually happening right now,” Mr. Brownfield said.

Some specialists have expressed skepticism about the approach. Bruce Bagley, a professor at the University of Miami who focuses on Latin America and counternarcotics, said that what had happened in West Africa over the past few years was the latest example of the “Whac-A-Mole” problem, in which making trafficking more difficult in one place simply shifts it to another.

“As they put on the pressure, they are going to detour routes, but they are not going to stop the flow, because the institutions are incredibly weak — I don’t care how much vetting they do,” Professor Bagley said. “And there is always blowback to this. You start killing people in foreign countries — whether criminals or not — and there is going to be fallout.”

American government officials acknowledge the challenges, but they are not as pessimistic about the chances of at least pushing the trafficking organizations out of particular countries. And even if the intervention leads to an increase in violence as organizations that had operated with impunity are challenged, the alternative, they said, is worse.

The United Nations says that cocaine smuggling and consumption in West Africa have soared in recent years, contributing to instability in places like Guinea-Bissau. Several years ago, a South American drug gang tried to bribe the son of the Liberian president to allow it to use the country for smuggling. Instead, he cooperated with the D.E.A., and the case resulted in convictions in the United States.

Even more ominous, according to American officials, was a case in which a militant group called Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb offered three of its operatives to help ship tons of cocaine through North Africa into Europe — all to raise money to finance terrorist attacks. The case ended this past March with conviction and sentencing in federal court in New York.

American counternarcotics assistance for West Africa has totaled about $50 million for each of the past two years — up from just $7.5 million in 2009, according to the State Department. The D.E.A. also is opening its first country office in Senegal, officials said, and the Pentagon has worked with Cape Verde to establish a regional center to detect drug-smuggling ships.

While the agency has not sponsored units in West Africa before, it has long worked with similar teams — which are given training, equipment and pay while being subjected to rigorous drug and polygraph testing — in countries around the world whose security forces are plagued by corruption, including the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala and Panama.

It is routine for D.E.A. agents who are assigned to mentor the specially trained and screened units to accompany them on raids, but it has been unusual for Americans to kill suspects. Several former agents said the recent cases in Honduras suggested that the D.E.A. had been at the vanguard of the operations there rather than merely serving as advisers in the background.

By contrast, the effort in West Africa is still at the beginning stages, officials say. But the problems there are the same — and growing. Officials described one instance in which a methamphetamine lab was discovered in Africa, with documents suggesting that it had been set up by a Mexican trafficking organization. William F. Wechsler, the Pentagon’s top counternarcotics officer, said that observing drug traffickers’ advances into West Africa, and the response from American and local authorities, was like watching a rerun of the drug war in this hemisphere in years past.

“West Africa is now facing a situation analogous to the Caribbean in the 1980s, where small, developing, vulnerable countries along major drug-trafficking routes toward rich consumers are vastly under-resourced to deal with the wave of dirty money coming their way,” he said.

rofl. Something tells me they'll 'win' Drug War II, too.

If you're utterly oblivious, you should know that every nation in the world that Prohibits drugs (so like all of them) are controlled by powers that control the illicit drug trade.

Do you know how much US$1,000,000,000,000 (one trillion US$) is? It's unthinkable. No one can compete. In every nation, how can anyone compete up against this kind of money in politics? Of course, money makes money in ways you wouldn't believe. Because Power picks up everything on the cheap.

So that's just the revenue of the global annual illicit drug trade. But it's more trillions in reality. Who's going to fucking compete; and how? With campaign donations? Ron Paul? Hah. Political parties fight to be the managers of the territory, they don't own the corners.

What you're seeing here above is the US playing to take over control of Europe. You guys need to understand I'm fucking switched on. You cannot fault the logic but I implore you to try.

They're doing it with fucking drinking water. I kid you not. Google it. The Bush family is taking control of the supply of drinking water for the world. And you know what that means when the power of the US military industrial complex is at your disposal? National secrets and the CIA (largely oblivious I imagine to the real agenda but who knows really) operating without any possible way of even vetting their actions. Freedom of Information acts? Bah. You still don't know who killed JFK because they put a 50 year secrecy seal on it and then released all the info redacted.

They're just laughing at your faces now.

They're going to do with water what they did to the Supply of pain 'relief'. Take control of Supply. Destroy competitors.

They won't have to create the Demand this time.

Prepare to get thirsty. Prepare to scream.

Welcome to the realities of "national secrecy". Capitalism. Coercive monopolies. Power.

Eisenhower tried to warn you muppets. FDR tried to warn you muppets. Jefferson. Statesmen. Me, with a fractionally smaller profile. But do you listen?

You validate the institutions that exploit you. I'm going to fucking laugh when you scream. You won't be able to. Your throat will be too parched. They're going to use that to take control of oil. And then...? Dot to dot to dot. Connect the fucking dots on your imbecility.

Your stupid fears. Your inability to think even a few chess moves in advance. All you do is feel, and get offended, and a bus monitor named Karen Klein (too incompetent not to be hospitalised or imprisoned) cries at middle-schoolers' MEANIE words and gets $800,000 from a world that empathises with her. People calling for the kids to be killed, skull-fucked, tortured. Surreal. Mean words. Not sticks and stones. You're all emotionally insane.

I'm brilliant. But no one listens so I'm almost certainly safe. Not important enough to even care about DDoS'ing anymore. But I'm not wrong. Try and fault the logic.

You will scream. Prepare for pain.

07-22-2012, 07:10 PM
atta boy. some awesome tangents in there.
thoroughly enjoyed, post more etc etc

Oh my god. You can see what's happening, I'm sure. I can't hold a thought to it's conclusion; the instant another buzzword I want to talk about is written, I'm off. Which isn't horrifying unless you don't circle back to close it out. Which I literally never manage to do. Terrible.

I might be the worst writer alive. I don't think I even finished the story where I started about the speeding where I ran a family off the road. The conclusion was kind of important. Actually the entire story is about one of the greatest, provable conspiracies going on right now. They're doing it to you right now.


"Please don't kill or maim any pedestrians or cyclists with your car today."

"Well okay, but only because you asked so politely."

"Now stop reading this and concentrate!"

"Fuck off you can't tell me what to do."

It's funny because some of you who aren't Toddlers wouldn't understand how common the above internal dialogue would actually be. And Toddlers don't understand anything. They're not even reading. They just don't like being told what to do. Do that, and they'll just as soon do the opposite to spite you.

Toddlers are very shrewd. Little too stupid to be shrewd but that doesn't stop them. It's called "free will" to explicitly act in ways that aren't in your own best interest. That's why they legislate against insane behaviour.

It's not to deter the insane. That's impossible. If you're reading it, it's for you. You're not insane, so why would you do such a thing?

That's how they get you to do it.

This is pure logic. If you cannot follow it, sorry Toddler. There's nothing I can do. But you would be doing yourSelf a favour to stop imagining you have a clue.

They don't want you speeding. You could hurt yourSelf. They will warn you. Do not speed. "Every km over is a Killer."


They will laser gun if they have to. God damn Toddlers cannot help themSelves. You warn them and you warn them but what in the hell are you to do with these speeding Toddlers?


They'll take your license away when you get so many fines you rack up 12 demerit points.

Then in 3 months, they'll give it back to you. You'll have learned your lesson. That's how lessons in this horrifying world are 'taught'. Punishment and Sticks to 'teach' confused children why they don't really want to be driving like a fucking maniac; for literally no reason other than speed for the sake of speed.

Then they'll take your license away again when you lose all your points again. What are they supposed to do with you, Toddler? You're out of control.

Then in 6 months they'll give it back to you.

Three-strike penalties are big. Huge, like crazy disproportionate. Why you could almost be forgiven for thinking it was a 3-punch combo setup. They slap your wrist to warn you, clearly you haven't been punished hard enough. They try a little harder, two slaps on your wrist. That should do it! That must be the problem with your compulsive insanity which couldn't ever be in your best interests, literally, ever.

That didn't do it. One slap, two slaps on the wrist didn't work? What to do...? Here's some gang rape.

What are they supposed to do with Toddlers who cannot learn their lesson not to speed?

And you could run a car off the road and very nearly kill humans including yourSelf and you can go into the Police Station wracked with guilt almost begging them to take your license off you but why would they do that? You haven't committed a crime. Where's the bodies? Who's complaining?

Why was I wasting his fucking time. "Go on. Get out of here." I understood. He didn't want the paperwork.

All the above and a great deal more happened to me. I thought I was insane. I couldn't stop speeding so I did the decent thing, FINALLY. It was a huge blow to my 'ego' as a young Australian male but I was forced to admit it to myself. I was insane. Something was wrong with me. So I cut my license up and gave my car away. No more driving. Haven't driven since.

I have no motive to cause suffering; maybe you do?

The government believes it has a motive, but I had to suffer for a decade before realising it wasn't my 'fault'.


Intelligence Quiz on Motive:
a) Is the motive of the government to prevent drivers of Commercial Motor Vehicles from feeling it's okay to text whilst driving?
b) Is the motive of the government to encourage drivers of Non-Commercial Motor Vehicles to feel it's okay to text whilst driving?

Which one do you think is the likely motive for that warning message for CMV drivers?

You got it wrong. It's a Trick Question. It's Spam's Trick. They just want to distract you. Consider it, and you'd have to be insane not to, and you lose. They don't really win.

They just make Toddlers lose.

This is how they make you suffer so they can control you. These are their Protection Racket tricks I'm showing you. They don't really care about you. That's the proof that they care about you maliciously when they pretend to.

A speed-limited vehicle would have the same performance as an unlimited vehicle up to the preset speed. However, the engine power would drop off above that speed. A consequence is that the driver would no longer take the risk of trying to overtake at grossly excessive speeds (Plowden & Hillman, 1984 - Plowden also discusses alternatives to an instant drop off in power. For example TNO in the Netherlands is currently evaluating an actuator which increases the accelerator pedal stiffnes when a set speed is exceeded).

Speed limiting would be a strong deterrent to theft and joyriding. And there is the issue of teenagers borrowing the family car! In the latter case this could be an additional application for smart keys, which adjust the seating position according to the programmed key which opened the door. The speed limiter could be set to the Australian provisional driver speed limit of 80km/h.

Optional speed limiting could attract significant insurance discounts.

Voluntary speed-limiting need not carry a stigma. After all, Formula 1 racing drivers have resorted to speed limiters to avoid the severe penalties of speeding in the pit lane.

Compliance with speed limits

Recommended scenarios
Based on the assumptions set out in this report, the scenarios showing the most
promise are, in order of merit (benefit cost ratio in brackets):

All new vehicles fitted with a top speed limiter set at 120km/h at a cost of 50 cents per vehicle (90:1)
All new vehicles require a speedometer scale no more than 120km/h at a cost of $1 per vehicle (23:1)
Deviant motorists (worse 3%) required to only drive speed limited or, preferably, VMD equipped vehicles (1.5:1 if the $1000 cost of retro-fitting device is included, although this is more of a penalty for the driver than a cost to the community)
Roadways are fitted with simple speed limit transmitters (eg coded magnetic strips or nails) at a statewide cost of about $10 million and about 20% of vehicles are voluntarily equipped with sensors and speed control devices or alarms at a cost of $300 per vehicle (0.9:1 - the incentive in this case is avoiding speeding penalties. If only the roadway components are costed the ratio is 13:1)
Roadways are fitted with speed limit transmitters and new vehicles plus 20% of existing vehicles are fitted with automatic speed limiters (0.6:1)
It is recommended that consideration be given to an ADR which requires cars to be speed limited to 120km/h.
It is recommended that ADR 18 be revised to require a maximum speedometer reading of 120km/h and, in the case of analogue displays, that the pointer be vertical at 60km/h.

Shucks. If only the government had known about this cost-benefit ratio when I was driving in 2002!

This report was commissioned by the Vehicle and Equipment Safety Section, Road
Safety and Traffic Management Directorate, Roads and Traffic Authority of New
South Wales, Australia.
Several organisations provided assistance for th is project and th eir contribution is
gratefully acknowledged: Road Safety and Traffic Resource Library, Director of
Staysafe, Road Safety and Traffic Management Directorate (Road Environment and
Information Services), Mr Doug Quail (RTA ITS Coordinator), VDO Instruments and
vehicle manufacturers' representatives. Mr Ray Gigg provided technical assistance.
Paine, M. (1996) Speed Control Devices for Cars.
For the Road Safety & Traffic Management Directorate
Roads and Traffic Authority, NSW
Research Report RR 5/95, June 1996.


07-22-2012, 07:45 PM
That second one is Green is the smoking gun. Well, one of quite a few.


They give you the license to drive at 16.

They give you a car with the capacity to do 240km/hr.

They give you decades of sleazy advertising which conditions you to associate speed with "fun", "cool", "positive" and "sex".

They give you a speedometer that only makes sense when you understand it's about the power of suggestion. I used to work at McDonalds. You have no idea how many people go "Oh yeah sure!" to fries.

"Would you like 120km/hr+ with that?"

Of course you do. You've been conditioned to want to.

They give you everything to set you up and then they say "Don't do it."


It's so Catholic, it's horrifying. The Pope says this to Catholics, about sex and birth control. "Just don't do it! Be pure. Oh you sinful humans. Well, if you're going to sin in shame, at least don't rot in Hell for Eternity by using a condom. Jesus didn't die for that sin."

For $1.50 I could have _not_ almost killed so many people and written off two vehicles and woken up with nightmarish confusion and half-asleep guilt imagining that I'd actually killed them and been denying it (which would last until I could find the insurance bills and collapse in tears, it was all very traumatic). A little too emo, you cool Toddlers would feel.

But then I ran four human beings off the road, doing 170km/hr in the wrong lane. The car fishtailed and went over the embankment into the ravine; disappeared, vanished - I watched it all unfold in my rearview. I'd killed four people, guaranteed. You'd probably be cool with it. You'd probably just keep on driving.

"What the ref doesn't see is legal." *teehee*

An instinct I had was screaming at me to do exactly that. There was lots of screaming, actually. Something was screaming at my limbs but they weren't listening. Something was screaming "phew, lucky the cars didn't touch; no evidence, police will have nothing to go on - you dodged a bullet there" and that was when my limbs came back to life. I don't think like that. Humans don't think like that.

I knew where that voice was coming from and it wasn't me. I covered the distance back in half the time and all I was hoping for were 0 survivors, because I didn't know if I'd be able to cope with some of the images flashing through my mind. This was 130km from the nearest town. I was racing as if there were survivors. Begging non-existent powers; trying to make insane deals without any bargaining power.

I saw four of the most conflicted faces you will never see in your life staring up at me from the grassy sloped field. I could tell the car was a write-off. Not a scratch on the humans. They didn't know whether to hug me or kill me.

I think it was a 25 min round trip. They didn't think I was coming back and this is in the Adelaide Desert or The Great Outback. They were so angry and so relieved at the same time. You'll never see expressions like theirs.

Unless you're the compulsive victim of years of speeding advertisements linking speed with sex and cool and all that creepy Pavlovian associative shit. But I'm probably the only one, I imagine.

40 years after they've had the technology to do it, or maybe they've always had the technology, they're finally starting to roll out some limiters (in the luxury model of the below Merc).


The Mercedes also comes with a slew of safety features that are found in their higher-tier models, like Pre-Safe Brake. This feature will automatically apply the brakes if it senses a rear-end collision. It is also equipped with Speed Limit Assist to make sure you don’t miss any of the speed limit signs.

Because that's the only reason you don't want to be speeding. You understand? It's all about shifting the goalposts to make you think about rules rather than your own best interests.

It's one of the reasons humans are terrible at motive. We've been maliciously been brainwashed to the point where every one of us is provably incapable of acting in our own best interests; i.e. Insane.

But then this is the TopSpeed.com website.


So much fucked up shit here.

Dying of diarrhea? Fuck.

I think you know what "Childhood diseases" means. Fucking..

Measles? Fuck.

Not sure if the suicide number would be higher or lower. Lot of lazy cops in the world.

Don't see any terrorist tolls on the lists I'm looking at. 3000 died 9/11. 40,000 died in the US on roads in 2001. Over 2 million road injuries. Those are dots. Draw lines between them. Who has the motive to frighten you? Who doesn't care about speed limiting the cars that kill you?

These dots are easy. A child could do them.

40,000,000 (40 million) dead on roads around the world so far. Probably nearly a million a year now. This would be about car crashes. Speed limited cars? Not good for automotive business.

They need you to crash to be competitive.

Which is fine but then when 40,000 Americans die a year and 2.5 million are injured every year, rough ~1 billion injuries resulting from crashes on roads since the invention of the car? That's better than fine. That's capitalism.


"Because chrome and asphalt can put distance between you and whatever the world can throw at you..."

Nothing even needs to makes sense anymore. Not sure it ever did. But if running away isn't going to be motivated by fear, then...?

Hot damn is that JV himself?? I might have to read all this nonsense to see if he still is having Linux/Jobs/Gates issues. Just Defragment your disk and repartition right??

Probably running Scada interfaces at a water treatment plant in Sheboygan, WI these days and thinks the Iranians are out to get em.

PLOwned is it the real deal?

Oh the reason I couldn't post on 'this' forum anymore in 2011 was because everything came crashing down. I was fighting to get back online literally 20 hrs a day every day until like two months ago when I guess they worked out I wasn't worth it. But there is evidence posted all over SkatzPoker forum and it's only like 10% of the unbelievable shit I documented. I was being shutdown by Power. Why? I dunno. I rant about injustice. I post all over the place. I think I hit someone or something a little too close to home without realising it; probably the Catholic Church in Africa where the Pope is killing 50,000,000 with Catholic AIDS. But who knows, really.

They've clearly decided I'm not even worth what I'm sure were nothing more than scripts written to loop indefinitely and when no experts I'm paying $1000 to just come and look at the crap I was talking about wanted anything to do with it or me as soon as they saw it, I spent 6 figures and 16 months for zero answers. Hah. Just endless horror and unfathomably implausible stories.

I only really left my apartment to buy new systems and/or find experts; or fly overseas for new systems and/or experts. I mean, the guy that supervises IT security for some Siam Commercial Bank branches came to my apartment as a favour from a poster on ThaiVisa forum who liked my political ranting the year before against the (illicit-drug funded) Thaksin-sponsored near Civil War (his sister is his proxy PM now - there's just too much money in illicit drugs for anyone to compete); and when he left, I knew I was fucked.

It's a bit of joke, really. I'm like "What can I do about these Bluetooth attacks?" and he's like "I don't know what to say, but there aren't solutions." I'm like "What about this server enterprise / domain hijacking which takes away my root / NET USER ADMINISTRATOR permissions?" And he's like "Ah...that's not really supposed to be happening" and he looked really awkward and I understood. But it's not really important. I'm not important.

Resources are dwindling around the globe. Warlords are controlling everything; but answerable to some higher Power (it would seem). More and more people are turning to religion for comfort. Nuclear weapons all over the place. What could possibly go wrong?


It's a creepy world. So many inexplicable, unanswered questions. I'm sure Iran's systems are powered by their own microprocessors right?

Think about it. If they're really a nuclear threat wouldn't INTEL just shut them down and tell them to grow tomatoes or behave? They could say that to the US. They're a coercive monopoly.

Power dictates. Someone is running this whole show and if it's who I think it is, he's The Servant of Truth. Just ask him, he'll tell you! Or you could read his biography titled The Servant of Truth.


Power can dictate. All these games have to be for our 'benefit'. It's all Protection Rackets.

They're all in cahoots to exploit their respective vassals. I think, since 1648, they always have been.

Righto. I'm off. Maybe see you guys in 6 months. Or not.

I hate being thirsty.

09-08-2012, 05:03 PM
What's so special about you that they even dedicated an entire section to you?:D

09-15-2012, 09:57 AM
Narcissists have the same problem with happiness, but they are not dangerous except when they’re so callous they fail to appreciate or consider the danger of their actions. They have no empathy to be humane but their inhumanity will be incidental. They bring their suffering onto themselves with their inconsideration. Sociopaths consider. That's why they're dangerous.

Their consideration of you will be genuine but not real. They feel it to exploit. It won't last, but it will only end when they no longer value you; perhaps when you are dead. Sociopaths can be charming, personable, magnetic, popular and impressive and a man’s man who drives women to obsession by also revealing their sensitive, chivalrous, understanding & sympathetic side. None of this is real but when the sociopath believes it, you will believe it. Narcissists will never be convincing until they have the capacity to feel what you feel in a way that doesn't leave them exposed to emotional manipulation.

09-16-2012, 07:22 AM
To much to read :D

09-24-2012, 12:45 PM
So you talk alot, and? Is that supposed to be good? haha

10-22-2012, 05:49 PM
What's so special about you that they even dedicated an entire section to you?:D

No I was just sectioned. It's fair. I'm a danger to Polite Society. Well I'd like to be because politeness is for sociopaths - it's deceit. We're a deceitful Society and all the rules are structured in favour of sociopaths and against humane behavior; this is not by accident. Humans are more powerful than sociopaths. We're just a little disorganized and traumatised at the moment, but we'll turn it around.

Or we'll all go up in mushroom clouds.


This is an interesting photoshop. Because if you think Sarah Palin, or any of those power-hungry clowns really, are sane...no they are killer sociopaths. Shameless chameleons, but then people in this enslaved world demand to be lied to. I've been doing a Truth experiment this year. People don't like it. I could end up in an asylum if I keep it up.

The insane who feel they're sane know that Truth is insane. It hurts their feelings, you see? They imagine their own pain. It's called emotional manipulation but everyone gets confused. Are emotions felt, or imagined to be felt? What if you're pretending, the way you get butt hurt when your girlfriend isn't paying enough attention to you (and she will leave you if you do that but anyway...); are you imagining a feeling or just pretending (imagining you've imagined the feeling; which, if you think about it, is nothing but an imagined sensation in your mind where you're supposed to feel pain as an alarm system that saves you cooking our hand in a pot of water you bring to the boil).

You can try this at home. It's impossible to cook your hand. You'll pull that shit out and the degree of burns will be your capacity for pain tolerance. Keep practicing. Build up a high tolerance. One day, if you can endure so much pain it's unfathomable, you could compete for our entertainment at the Olympic Games.

It's a big honour, you know! Suffering to entertain sociopaths. Did you watch the Olympics? Well there you go. We're all sociopaths. If it makes you feel better, just try to imagine that you are humane. Who knows, you'll either become human again or start a cult and sleep with ALL the "women children".

I have no idea what I'm supposed to be writing about.

That's right, emotional manipulation. It's fucking bullshit, this whole emotional game. Filthy feelings, imagined feelings, imagined imagined feelings, I'm offended. You said a meanie word. *sniff*

You'd do well to get out of that game; I've played both sides of the net, I'm not sure which is more horrifying but it's a very religious game. They printed 8,000,000,000 copies of the worst book ever written, and that is saying something; purely to sustain the demand for that Game's source code / man pages. You don't want to read that book. It's pure Holy evil. If a victim of the Abrahamic religions (like a Christian) comes up to you without your soliciting the imposition, and wants to tell your children about the Good News (they're filthy sinners but Christ wants them to know - via His Middleman [because Christ cannot, in His omnipotence, tell them Himself?] - that he died to forgive their sins), you can just go ahead and kill that screaming leech humanely. Tell them Jonny said it was okay.

It's more than okay. Anything else would be inhumane.

To much to read :D

You should read the Bible. You'd think I was the greatest writer on the planet. I'm not. I'm terrible. I'm just saying if 8 billion copies of that book's Terrible is anything to go by, I've got to get a lot worse to compete. Have you read Stephanie Meyer's yogurt literature?

Do people read books anymore? It must be hard, what with everyone having undiagnosed ADHD.

So you talk alot, and? Is that supposed to be good? haha

I wouldn't really know. Sometimes, I say the most brilliant ideas. Most of the time, it's more or less cringe-worthy but I don't get emotional about it.

I could be manipulated into not saying anything at all if let the market value me. If you care about the opinions of others too greatly, they will do that shit you know? They'll reduce you to zero if you have value. And then if your body has value, they'll inflate you like a blowup doll (they just want to use you for sex). When the using has ended, whether you're empty and worthless or full, you'll be worthless and that's no good.

Value doesn't end at 0. There is this thing called negative value? It's what our species has been valued at, if dumped on the open market. Quite fairly, to tell you the Truth. But I aim to change all that.

Very hard with illiteracy though. Communication is a two-way street and I can't write and you can't read...we'll just have to sit here, awkwardly.

Ok let's.