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View Full Version : Work out the Percentages of Making your Poker Hand

10-15-2012, 06:19 PM
Ever watched the poker pros on the TV sitting there after someone has raised all in pre-flop? Ever wondered what they are thinking about while they seem to take forever to make the call or fold?

They are doing a few things: firstly looking for any poker tells that will aid their decision and secondly they are trying to put opponents on hands that they would move all in with and then work out the percentage chance of them taking the pot.

Useful Poker Odds

* AK against AJ = 71%
* AK against 99 = 45%
* AK against 87 = 62%

Some players will get very excited to see AK sitting there looking pretty, however unless their opponent turns over AJ or AX so that the other person is dominated then you are looking at a coin flip situation. Would you want to risk all your chips on a coin flip ?

Here are some more involving poker pair odds

* JJ against AK = 56%
* JJ against QQ = 18%
* JJ against 99 = 82%
* JJ against 87 = 82%

Any over pair suddenly becomes a huge advantage, meaning that you should win the pot 4 out of every 5 tries. However if you run into AK you are in that coin flip situation again. This is where putting your opponent on a hand becomes very important.