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    by Published on 10-07-2011 03:36 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Interview
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    PokerCrack has caught up with the winner of the recent ANZPT Sydney ME, Paren “Puzz” Arzoomanian who has graciously agreed to do an interview for us.
    Roy Bhasin: First of all – congrats on taking down the ANZPT Sydney ME! That’s no small feat. It’s been a few days now so one can only hope you’re not ...
    by Published on 10-06-2011 08:13 PM
    1. Categories:
    2. Interview

    Roy Bhasin: Harris "P.I.M.P" Pavlou. Your reputation precedes yourself. Women want to be with you, and men want to.. well, men want to be with you too. Over the past 12 months you have taken the online PLO world by storm, rising through the ranks at “townsend”-like speeds with “ivey”-like skills. Yet most people don’t know who you are, where you came from, or what separates you from the average 25/50 Joe PLO. How can one man / legend / god / mystical being accomplish and continue to accomplish as much as you have? Simply put, you are an enigma. I think I can speak for the entire poker community when I say we want to know more. Thank you for agreeing to do this interview for Poker Crack.
    Let’s start off easy: How old are you and how long have you been playing poker for?

    Harris Pavlou: I'm 26 and been playing poker for I guess 3 1/2 or 4 years. 3 years as a "professional".

    RB: How did you first get into poker?

    HP: I had been gambling in one form or another for many years, usually unsuccessfully. ...

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    RichardBens14 Today, 08:20 AM Go to last post