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  • Interview with Paren “Puzz” Arzoomanian – Winner of the Sydney ANZPT Main Event! [Archive]

    PokerCrack has caught up with the winner of the recent ANZPT Sydney ME, Paren “Puzz” Arzoomanian who has graciously agreed to do an interview for us.
    Roy Bhasin: First of all – congrats on taking down the ANZPT Sydney ME! That’s no small feat. It’s been a few days now so one can only hope you’re not yet sober.. So how did you celebrate your win?
    Paren Arzoomanian: To be honest it was sorta anti-climactical (thats what she said) on the night. My friends and girlfriend rushed in and we got some champagne flowing – but then I was taken away to do all this promo/admin stuff which took ages. By the time I had come back my friends were all half asleep. A few of us stayed around and had some drinks afterwards – but nothing major. I invited everyone to dinner at Ocean Room the following night (although you were too whipped to attend) and we celebrated by drinking heaps of wine and eating a lot.
    RB: Really? That’s it? No shenanigans in kings cross or the like? (if your GF is gonna read this, wink twice and we’ll get the real scoop later
    PA: haha nah there really weren’t any, I was really tired after the three days of poker and most people had work the next day which was pretty sad really

    RB: Fag. Anyway.. you have a point about 3 days of live poker, pretty sure I wouldn’t wish that sort of pain on my worst enemy. What was the level of play and structure of the tournament like?

    PA: There were quite a lot of sat entrants, and obviously that lowered the general standard of the field in my opinion. I found the structure to be really good though. I was short stacked quite a few times and never really felt like I was in real desperate trouble in terms of the blinds etc. The structure left a lot of post flop play which suited me a lot I think.
    RB: That’s the way tournaments should be. What did you think of the final table lineup?
    PA: Well obviously Joel (Strong Play) was on the final table too and he would of given me a few problems had he not been quite short-stacked. I had quite a good read on most of the other players and I felt quite confident against that lineup.
    RB: What are you planning on doing now that you’ve won? Move up in stakes? More live tournaments? Hookers and blow?
    To be honest – not much different! I know that sounds pretty boring but I guess thats what I feel is optimal. Im already playing pretty high in the NLHE cash games and that is always going to be my bread and butter. I am considering playing a few more of the larger live events though – as I feel I have quite good edge in them. I don’t think I will ever turn into a a pure online tourney grinder – it would be a negative move for my win rate and I just don’t enjoy them enough. Wow I am boring.
    RB: Lol, will we see you at the WSOP this year?
    PA: Just as long as this swine flu stuff doesn’t go out of control!
    RB: What events are you planning on playing?
    PA: Well I am still torn between getting there early and playing virtually all the NLHE events or getting there in mid June and playing a smaller schedule. But definitely the $5k shootout, $3k triple chance, $5k 6max, and obviously the Main Event. There are also some 1.5k-2.5k NLHE events scattered around. Other than those it will depend on when I get there I think.
    RB: There’s a $200/pt $10k Chinese Poker Freezeout on June 20th, it’s invite only, how would you like the privilege of playing?
    PA: Really depends on the lineup! If you and Punty were anywhere near the lineup – I think I would need to pass – otherwise I could lose all my winnings in one session!
    RB: Punty will not be allowed within a 10km radius of the game or everyone will somehow insta-lose. Who’s sexier – Ali Khalil or Jonny Vincent?
    PA: It really depends on my mood tbh. Me and Ali together are like two wild bears going at it. If I feel like wild unadulterated sex then Ali is def the way to go. If however I just want someone to hold me and whisper sweet lovings into my ear – then Jonny is prime candidate.
    RB: I know *exactly* what you mean. Who would you rather be, Scott “Punty” Smith or Harris “P.I.M.P” Pavlou?
    PA: Wow tough question! I believe they are both Prophets of Lord Gamblor, There is no such thing as a neutral EV game when it comes to these guys. Punty is too much of a nit though! How could anyone not want to be P.I.M.P? Not only is Harris more balla, but I also have a man crush on him! Harris it is…
    RB: Ok here’s an easier one (in my opinion it’s a no brainer, but I won’t give away the correct answer yet): Alba, Jolie or Johansson?

    PA: Oh wow. Jolie is grotesque. In the past I would of ‘insta Alba’d’ in this spot – but having watched Lost in Translation a few times I really believe Johansson is my Queen! I don’t know if she is the best looking – but I feel we have a connection. She wants me to marry her – she just doesn’t know it yet.
    RB: Thinking Jolie is grotesque puts doubt in my mind about every other answer you’ve given this interview. She is the clear winner. Ok, last but not least, this is a question that we have to ask everyone: What are your thoughts on crack?
    PA: Depends on what type of crack you are talking about! Some I like – some not so much! Hehe never tried the drug and probably never will! I am happy enough in my land with the other forms of crack!
    RB: Somewhere deep in South America, hidden under piles of coke and $0.30 whores, a barely-alive Jonny Vincent is calling you ghey. Before we go, got any shout outs you wanna make?
    PA: Yeah shout out to my “Why You So Good Bro” crew and girlfriend who railed me endlessly through the main event. Shout out to Harris for being so P.I.M.P…and shout outs to Jonny and Mark for giving us grinders something to aspire to!
    RB: Cheers mate, thanks for doing this interview for PokerCrack and GL in your future poker endeavors.
    PA: Thanks mate.
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