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Thread: I'm Alex

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  1. #10
    You're all going to die. If you're lucky. This is all your stupid fault. In what world can...ahh

    : can I ask a vague question I'm not all that clear on...
    Yogesh: Please go ahead.
    : with different countries...might the process from factory to assembly be very different?
    : I mean might the problem be with shifty shenanigans here in the Asian division, the only reason I ask is Seagate refused to provide support after I showed them how Seagate Tools showed I had the most corrupted hard drives on the planet. Seagate said I had to “talk to Asia, see if they could help” - whatever the hell that’s supposed to mean. And when Dell corrupted my Latitude with non-existent firmware, Dell US and Dell Australia said they have nothing to do with Dell Thailand and expressed their sympathies.
    : So I’m wondering if Intel has no links whatsoever with Intel Asia, as well?
    : I thought I read something about the option for manufacturers or system assemblers to configure individual BIOS settings
    : but anyway, I like Intel’s hardware. but someone has corrupted the BIOS on every motherboard I have. so it must be configurable, so can you tell me how to configure my own BIOS? I mean can you show me how to change the layout, hide options, lock in fixed settings and so on?
    Yogesh: Jonny, I am sorry to inform you that you won't be able to configure your own BIOS, however you can make changes in BIOS by pressing F2 during POST.
    : yeah, I mean I’m not that bright but I’m bright enough to read my screen during POST. So I figured out that ‘trick’. Not figuring out how I’m not supposed to be terrified right now, though. Because I can change the settings around, but then they are corrupted so...who knows, really.
    : for example, I can deactivate virtual functionality in the BIOS, but then the motherboard doesn’t listen to my BIOS - not the BIOS I see, anyway.
    : would the BIOS for say the DH67BL board be identical here as it would be in say...the US, or Europe? or do the Asian OEMs somehow get a look in?
    Yogesh: Jonny, to keep you informed BIOS, motherboard architecture, processor architecture, drivers and softwares which we provide will always be same regardless of region, however you can choose your desired language.
    : hmm well I installed Genuine Windows into a brand new Intel system at 37,000 feet flying to Hong Kong. No Internet or sneaky rf / bluetooth / wireless obviously, at least, I can't imagine there would have been.
    : but you know, when your motherboard is corrupted, it really doesn’t matter what operating system you load; the image is going to be corrupted. At 37,000 feet or sea level, every operating system I load is corrupted and I’m willing to be pragmatic, but the operating systems aren’t operational. no one would be using computers if everyone got what I get Yogesh: May I know what is the error message your are getting?
    : "CMOS Checksum Error" "BIOS Bug" "Boot Failure" - but you know, the scary thing isn’t the error messages, it’s how many errors there are. We’re talking tens of thousands of error messages, millions if you count Windows or Linux or Mac logging error messages. All unique but they all say the same thing. It’s funny, they all tell me “No.” If I didn’t know better than to believe in mysticism, I’d think God was dabbling in Denial of Service.
    : in short, the corruption is unfathomable. overwhelming. terrifying and horrible and you might say, complete? Yes, everything is completely corrupted. One wonders who even has that kind of access to pull off such a thing, an ex-Intel employee I guess.
    Yogesh: Jonny, will it be possible for you to clear CMOS battery for 20 to 30 minutes, which will reset your BIOS setting to factory settings.
    : I've done that...lots
    : this thing has me beat.
    Yogesh: If above troubleshooting step doesn't resolve the issue, then I request you to enter into BIOS, then clear the details in Event log.
    : …..
    : I’m trying - like really hard - to spin that advice to sound a lot less like “DoS”, but all I can read is “You’re going to die, have you considered growing vegetables and tending to animals - because computers and the Internet aren’t for you.”
    : I know you’ll refund all my money, at least for the systems I haven’t left in hotels around the world when I couldn’t exactly lug them all around with me, what with the horror and the sheer redundancy. But I need computers obviously, not refunds.
    : resetting the CMOS clears the logs in the BIOS yes. Until next boot, I guess. Will it clear the millions of errors from my OS logs? You think this is a logging issue?
    Yogesh: Jonny, after clearing CMOS battery you are getting the same error message again, hence if get this error message again, I request you to enter in BIOS and clear Event log and see if this resolves the issue.
    : well yes, but you told me I’m going to die already. why are you telling me again?
    : oh. my bad. I see it’s my fault. but then you’ll have to forgive me but it’s not the Answer I was looking for. It’s not even a good ‘work-around’.
    Yogesh: However even after doing the same if you are getting same error message you can try updating your BIOS.
    : I flash them with Intel firmware - successfully.
    : except..nothing changes. At all. Nothing is reset, not even the CMOS or the date. Speaking of CMOS settings and batteries, did I tell you my motherboards don’t need them? True story, I should have told you that. You can do away with all batteries for the 10 billion motherboards you got operational, because I can make a video for you if you like, my CMOS settings are frozen - LOCK - solid. With no battery, I can do this indefinitely, for hundreds or thousands of boots. Unless you own the battery companies, I don’t see how it makes sense to even have the placeholder for a battery there.
    : sigh - frankly I’m mildly surprised this isn't like a huge issue or something, it is for me obviously...but this must be something Intel knows all about?
    : I got these subsystems going out of control lolz. I can't get even a corrupted OS online for longer than...a few hours, a day or two maybe
    Yogesh: Jonny, I feel your motherboard is defective, I request you to go ahead and warranty claim for this motherboard.
    : This is a refund, you’re offering. I understand, but I beg you to understand I don’t buy computers to claim refunds for them. That would be...? Buying into redundancy, too ridiculous - even for me. I’ve got 18 systems, I think. I’ve lost count. All are identical, even though the components aren't - and Intel’s official position on this phenomenon is “clear the logs” or “get a refund”?
    :I guess so. Pretty hard to confuse that.
    :I'll let you go in a sec thanks Yogesh, can I bother you with just one last small batch of questions about UEFI?
    Yogesh: Sure go ahead.
    : i don't understand UEFI lolz, I've read up on it. but what's with all this remote booting...iSCSI, Fcoe, PXE gPXE etc
    : i deactivate it all obviously in my corrupted BIOS's but I'm pretty sure, like I *think* I'm getting remote booted
    : I've used the Intel tools in DOS to supposedly nix it all, but I'm unconvinced...I see too much evidence suggesting each OS has been booted via UEFI remotely or something; and my operating systems can’t decide whether I have 30 networking adapters or zero so it’s all kind of a joke - obviously, I control none of them. I don't really understand networking
    Yogesh: Jonny, are you connected to Internet when you power on the system?
    : absolutely not - I wish sigh. Getting online is kinda exhausting and a huge extended ordeal this year. but no, I’m not - intentionally - online when I’m installing / booting...but then, I've learned the Internet isn't what I thought it was...my systems talk to my fridge, to my microwave, to my TVs, to my phones, to my A/c! at least this is what the experts looking at my ports tell me - I have these crazy NetBIOS drivers and point-to-point comms and channels I can’t close between everything electronic, it’s all out of control
    : everything's on loopback, spawning indefinitely and my commands as Root are ignored, I can't get low enough
    : i'm like 80% sure all my systems are just virtual containers
    : actually as crazy as it sounds, I'm pretty sure all of Thailand is in the same boat, but that's too whoa for me, I just want to catch up with the breaking news at jailbait.com etc - just j/k...eh not really
    : anyway I'm probably wasting your time now sorry Yogesh, I'll run along
    : if I could beg you to forward my concerns to some Intel techs or something...I dunno...if anyone can help ;(
    Yogesh: Jonny, I am here to assist you, however I can understand your concern and frustration.
    Yogesh: Sure I will be escalating your request.
    Yogesh: Please stay online for 3 minutes while I get back to you with a reference number.
    : k
    Yogesh: Thank you for staying online.
    Yogesh: Jonny, please make a note of service ticket number ie 8000319879.
    : got it
    : there isn't like a Intel user-accessible walk-in service center or something is there? in thailand or hong kong...or anywhere?
    Yogesh: I am sorry to inform you that I don't have information on service centers in your local geographical location, however since I am escalating your request your local support will get back to you within 1 to 2 working days.
    : ok sweet thanks! i don't get online all *that* routinely so i'll drop my number here if that's cool - maybe I'll get a tech that likes using a phone +66 890 553694
    : thanks Yogesh - i appreciate it, have a good one!
    Yogesh: Sure I will update the details.
    Yogesh: Its my pleasure, Jonny.
    Yogesh: Would you like to have any other information?
    : I would like...ALL the information. but right now, it’s baby steps, and mostly just stacking it. aiight thanks again, holla!
    Yogesh: If you are satisfied with our support, please score items where applicable with a 4 or 5 in the online survey. We will value your feedback and we will use it to make our services better. Thank you!


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